Endpoint Segmentation Service

Exemplary Use Cases.



Risk example: Critical medical device that receives irregular security updates for regulatory and organizational reasons. It is in the network segment with many other vulnerable medical devices and is encrypted via another device using ransomware.

Cost: >1'000'000 CHF/EUR for a new device plus downtime

Production site

CNC Machine

Risk example: the machine runs on an outdated operating system (Windows 7) and is encrypted using ransomware. Since all production facilities are in the same network segment, another device is affected.

Cost: Business interruption costs the SME 50,000 CHF/EUR per week, customers have to switch to other suppliers


Mass Spectrometer

Risk example: the supplier software is no longer supported. Ransomware gets onto the system via the connected computer. Research data from the last 5 years are encrypted.

Cost: Several 100'000 CHF/EUR research funds over 5 years plus damage to reputation